Interview with Eric Stone

From an entry level position at Enterprise Rental Car spanning over two and a half decades when he left the company as the Regional Vice President, Eric Stone learned a thing or two about CULTURE.


Through engagement and other key steps, you create Culture Carriers. Look at:

  • Time Management and Eisenhower’s grid demarcations of Delegate, Do, Defer, or Delete
  • Hiring Practices to include focusing on attitude, effort, and coachability
  • Hold regular meetings to highlight desired outcomes, then back fill the calendar with times for training and review. 
  • Remember that beliefs lead to behaviors.
    • Identify your priorities and keep them in front of your team members.
    • Remember that 40% of your team don’t actually know what’s expected of them.
  • In exploring corporate culture, investigate the gap between Values and Behavior.
  • Whether working in-office, remotely, or hybrid, there are five factors of engagement that need to be focused on:
    • Relationship with the manager
    • Understanding of requirements
    • Having and utilizing the proper tools and tech
    • Personal and Professional Development
    • Reward systems
  • Because there’s no pressure relief for those working remotely (and hybrid/remote), the stress and anger felt on one day could well carry over to the next day. Leaders need to be the pressure-relief and support.
    • Calendar time for engagement; that’s the core of leadership
  • Explore, “What works? And what can we do better?”
  • Measure workplace culture via:
    • Engagement
    • Experience
    • Ethics & Behavior balanced against Values
    • Sales
    • Retention
    • Growth
  • FRAMEWORK of the Hourglass
    • Discovery - pull information
    • Orchestrate - formulate and roll out priorities
    • Training
    • Assessment & Measurement
    • Balance Mission, Vision, and Values against Policies and Procedures


Find Eric Stone on Linked In and Instagram (ClearPathVentures_) and pick up his book Jumpstart Your Workplace Culture wherever books are sold!


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