Interview with Gina Riley

Gina Riley helps people in job transitions to gain clarity and design the job they really want. She notes that it’s important to find your unique value proposition, what you bring that’s different from anyone else and not to try to be everything to every job op.

Much like One Sharp Sword allows you to cut through to what matters most, knowing what you’re great at allows you to cut through the noise. You’ve got to have great communication skills, know your map and your story (how you got here) and to understand and articulate your career trajectory stories.

When looking for opportunities, much like any marketing project, research the pain points of the industry and specific company, know the market, the key players, and the unique challenges of the particular organization you’re after.

Start with your strengths and know your values.

What is it you uniquely bring?

When looking at cultural fit, be sure to focus on cultural values and the behaviors where those values play out.

Get grounded in your career story (tell it in under five minutes).

Create a plan for the search and know what outcome you’re after.

Practice, so you can step forward with confidence.

Get outside help - and outside perspective can do wonders.

Recognize where you are already known, liked, and trusted and leverage that!

Reach out to Gina and receive her free masterclass and .pdf plan at


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