Name It & Lean In

wednesdays with wayne Dec 23, 2020

Think about the successes you’ve had in the past. You got there by keeping a vision of your outcome in mind. 


Think about the times you were disappointed by some outcome. If you’re honest with yourself, you had a cloudy vision, it was a vacant wish, or you somehow “knew” it wasn’t going to happen anyway. In fact, your vision was focused on a clear outcome of NOT getting what you said you wanted.


This is tough stuff to reconcile.


If you’re in sales, what outcome do you have in mind EVERY SINGLE DAY?


If you’re in a relationship, what outcome do you have in mind, every single day?


No matter what you have your sights on, be deliberate and conscious about the outcome you want.


It’s just that simple.

Get clear.

Name it.

And lean into the outcome, doing a little work to clear the way to that goal every single day.


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