It’s NOT Selfish

wednesdays with wayne Nov 21, 2023

It’s not selfish to want your light to shine. 


It’s not “anti-community” to be the lighthouse bringing ships through the passage safely. You, living into your best self, bettering yourself every day, isn’t selfish. You become the model for others. And no, this isn’t about “you MUST better yourself” which would imply you’re not good enough. Oh, you’re MORE than good enough. This is about you knowing that there’s more for you to explore, enjoy, and contribute meaningfully to.


One of my VIP 1:1 Coaching Clients questioned what I meant when I said that I wake up wondering how I might serve greatly today. I do that every day. It’s my purpose and passion to provide a perspective that lifts others. 


It’s funny – I mean, not really funny. It’s just that my client interpreted service as having to dote on others. It’s not that at all. What’s your gift? How can you lift others today? Maybe it’s a smile. Maybe it’s reminding the other person of the value that they have. 


When I say that I aim to serve greatly every day, my emphasis is on service and on greatly. Service is about bringing your best so that others are better for it.  


A smile, a kind word, bringing flowers to lift someone’s spirits… those are all acts of service. 


There are plenty of examples and you don’t need a check list here. You need a reminder. Someone close to you could use more focus and some kind act of service today. Who is it that needs that?


And what can you do for yourself to bring light and life back into your life?

You’ve got to grow just that bit more to be able to serve more greatly.


Who needs you?

What will you do for you?


Yeah… you’ve got it. 

Now, don’t let it slip away. 

Go… take action.


It’s not selfish to want more for yourself, to better yourself, resulting in a better you who is more fully in service to the world around you. 


Keep making your magic.


= Wayne = 
            How do you uplevel your life while being in full support and service of others? You practice in a
            small group setting:
The Exponential Success Summit (this April in Nashville).


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