I’m NOT Saying Don’t

wednesdays with wayne Oct 18, 2023

We’re told to be generous, to help others, and by doing so, we’ll have everything we want. Just as with the notion of “manifestation,” It’s another great, yet horribly misunderstood theory.


People have told me how hard they’ve worked and how they still don’t have it all. “I give and I give, and what do I have to show for it?”


It’s not a simple syllogistic tree of IF This, THEN That. 


To be clear, I’m not saying don’t help people. 

What I am saying is that you can’t do so expecting a quid-pro-quo (a kind of this-for-that) engagement. 


In relationships, the danger here is to do what’s called “score keeping.”

  • Well, I took out the garbage.
  • Well, I cooked dinner.
  • Well, I loaded the dishwasher.
  • Well I… 


If you engage in scorekeeping and expect an immediate payout because you were of service once or twice, or maybe you donated to charity once or twice, you’re not demonstrating great character and that’s NOT how to get what you want.


Again, I’m not saying don’t be of service. Please do. In fact let that be a part of your growing good character. I’m not saying not to be charitable, either. Please do. That too is part of good character. But don’t do those things in order to get something for yourself.


Get clear about what you want first, then incorporate the giving along the way. 


You can get what you want when you’re very clear about what you want, by staying focused on what you want, and consistently taking steps towards getting what you want.


I use a term as a reminder for people who gain success: Lift As You Lead

Take people with you. Teach them.


Keep making your magic.

See you here next time!


= Wayne = 

Psssstttt… If you were on the fence about coming to the Exponential Success Summit where I take only twelve successful people who want to level up and you’re thinking about leaning into the next one, we’re doing a presale NOW for April. Lean in HERE for special pricing and all the details.


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