Handling “Bad” News

wednesdays with wayne May 22, 2024

An emotional gut check can leave you feeling like you want to react in all kinds of ways. I just received some disappointing news and I felt angry, frustrated, unheard, dismissed, and then NEUTRAL.


How can bad news be met with a neutral response?


Because “news” isn’t good or bad. Okay, the stuff on TV is mostly drivel and you’re tuning in to things that are aimed to fire you up and/or confirm your biases. Beyond the media’s biased slant on events in the world, anything you see or hear is simply information. 




This might be unpopular thinking. So try it on for a moment – 


A major deal fell through? That’s neutral information. It’s disappointing for a moment, and then, it’s information you can use to make your next move.


A medical diagnosis? It’s neutral information. It’s alarming at first. And then, you use that information to make your next move. 


Having the information is better than not having the information. It allows you to make decisions that likely include getting even more information. 


When you receive news of any kind, before you sort for “good” or “bad,” land in neutral. Check your emotions and your attachment to what you’ve learned. 

And then, plan your best next step.


You make decisions based on your beliefs and your faith in yourself.


Take that next step.


Keep making your magic.


I’ll see you here next week.


= Wayne = 

It’s not too late (yet) to inquire about my small group summit in October. Three days with a select group of people who want to get away and work on their desired outcomes for their lives while supporting and being supported by a handful of others doing the same. Reach out if you’re interested in my next Exponential Success Summit. Seats are extremely limited. Will you select one of the last ones?


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