Chaos: So Highly Unnecessary

wednesdays with wayne May 29, 2019

I laughed out loud when my client told me that she’s “been thrown into chaos lately.”  That’s not the part that I laughed at.  

What was both funny and poignant was what she said next, “I’ve learned I don’t care for that.”  She paused, then with a smile in her voice she said, “It seems highly unnecessary.”

She has an understated style.  Personally, I appreciate that. I’m always trying to get her to be just that bit more expressive.  And you know, this style, her unique style, works for her. And what she said, that she’s learned she doesn’t care for chaos, that got me thinking.  Who does? There ARE people who like it, need it, and even create it when it’s not there.

It really does seem “highly unnecessary,” as she says.  While some thrive on the chaos, and being a victim of it - that’s where some of the greatest/lamest excuses come from - high performers like you don’t need chaos.  You Get S**T Done without drowning in the inevitable shifting tides. In fact, the shift is just part of the journey and not the stuff of chaos.

Cool, eh?

Yeah, this week’s Wednesdays With Wayne brings you back to your journey.  
You’ll have ups and downs.  It’s never a straight line. You learn and grow along the way. 

You grow and stretch yourself.  As a leader, you put yourself out there more.  In your relationships, you dare to be More YOU and engage with more presence.

It’s in that presence and focus that you let go of chaos.
It’s here that you keep focused on building better and lifting higher.

Keep doing that.

Keep making your magic!

~ Dr P ~

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