Interview with Eli Halpern

Eli Halpern is a comedian rapper ninja entrepreneur who started Really, he’s a stand up comedian, a rap artist with two albums on Spotify, a take-no-sh** martial artist, and an entrepreneur who founded a company making protein bars that are gluten free, lactose free, and full of flavor with 19 grams of protein.

On today’s podcast, we spoke about Eli’s climb in the entrepreneurial world and we looked at where his struggles or decision points became leadership lessons that we can all learn from.

Key points we uncovered as we discussed his journey included:

  1. Every day starts anew; meaning that what you did yesterday was fine. What are you doing, focusing on today?
  2. As long as I’m me, I’ll be fine anywhere I go.

And yes, we learned about eating crickets!

You have GOT to check out and plug in onesharpsword (lower case) for a 15% discount on your orders of Cricket Bars that are high protein, gluten free, lactose free, and the sugar comes from dates. (I’m not an affiliate and I’ve never tasted these things, they just sound good to me and I make no other claims about them.)

Find Eli Halpern out there on all of the social platforms and at IG: @CricketLordMMA And @GoldenCricketInc


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