Interview with Angel Pretot

In this episode, Angel Pretot, The Premier French Learning Coach, shares his insights on what it takes to learn. Having grown up in Dijon, France, he moved multiple times and now lives in Vienna, Australia. Angel holds a Masters in French As A Foreign Language. Angel speaks four languages and teaches French to those committed to learning. Learning starts with a belief that you can learn. It’s amazing, because I came face-to-face with a self-limiting belief I didn’t know I had - and I share that here, too. Belief - Can you believe that it’s possible (and fully commit to it)? THIS IS A HUGE CONCEPT!!! Then, create the environmental path. S - Selection - Choose your goals and your why - - what is your foundation and what is your motivation for choosing this as a goal? A - Activation - Recognize that you’ll be on the lookout for what you are becoming aware of. This ignites your Reticular Activation System and enhances your awareness (of how French is all around you) I - Immersion - Put the language around you. Watch YouTube videos and shows in French. S - Safe Practice - Don’t just practice in your head, find a person or community with whom to practice without fear of ridicule Do it in the cracks of your schedule Find more at Or to set a call with Angel Pretot, visit Thank you for listening to One Sharp Sword! Be sure to also check out Wednesdays With Wayne for quick, fun, and inspirational mid-week reading.


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