Morrison- Interview with a Woman on a Mission

Episode #148

From Montreal to Toronto to Queens to Denver and back to New York City…! Morrison has had some amazing adventures, personally and professionally.


She works for the Warren Law Group, specializing in the cannabis industry. 


Listen in as she shares her life path that includes being told she was supposed to be a lawyer to starting a family, and giving it up when, she so matter of factly states “I realized I was a lesbian.”


That must’ve been quite a revelation having grown up in the pentacostal church. 

But we all change and we all have to follow our paths, our own unique path. 


Having always fought for what’s right, she continues to do so living into serving truth, justice, health, and prosperity.


This one is a must listen!


Find her at [email protected]


On the show we also referenced the two-day intensive I run where people learn to step into listening to the whispers. Be sure to check out



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