Why Valentine's Day Matters (even if you're single)

wednesdays with wayne Feb 09, 2022

The truth is, Valentine’s Day doesn’t really matter all that much. It’s an arbitrary day on the calendar to profess your love for someone who you’d hope might already know. The chocolate, flowers, and greeting cards industries will make you think that a particular day matters. It doesn’t.


Or… does it?


Well, kind of… 


Use Valentine’s Day as a reminder. It’s a reminder of something that you might want to mark on your calendar randomly. 


The reminder is this – 

You’re with someone special. 

And if you’re single, you’re still with someone special.


Try this: take out your calendar and randomly scroll down a few weeks – three, four, five, or six weeks. Just scroll. Pick a day and open your calendar to that date. 

Mark this on your calendar: DO SOMETHING SPECIAL


Now scroll randomly another three, four, five, or six weeks. Pick a random day. Open that date and mark it: DO SOMETHING SPECIAL.


Continue that until you get to the end of the year.


You’ve just set reminders for yourself to send a card, set a date night, buy a small present, or send flowers, even to yourself if you’re single. 


The feelings you share on Valentine’s Day needn’t be held to just one day a year. If it is, you’re doing it wrong, and you might want to look at your relationship(s) with others and with yourself. Setting random dates allows you to enjoy life that bit more. And, if you forget about on which dates you’ve set your reminders, it becomes a great surprise to enjoy living into.


At home, we’ll have champagne to celebrate a random Tuesday. 

My wife just came home from a trip and brought me a present, just because she saw it and thought I’d like it, not because it was some obligatory thing tied to her travels or some holiday. And I do the same for her.


Celebrating yourself and the people you love throughout the year keeps your head in the game of appreciation, gratitude, and love.


Valentine’s Day as THE day doesn’t matter. As a model for multiple days scattered throughout the year, well… now you’re cooking!



And if you want a free guide that I put together with seven tips for recharging your relationship, go to www.RelationshipRecharge.com.


See you here next week.


= Wayne = 

We’re closer to my signature mastermind retreat on April 8th and 9th. It’s a two-day deep dive into up-leveling your personal excellence. Check out www.StuckAtTheTop.com for the details and to get in on early-bird pricing right now.


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