Trust Me, I'll Catch You

wednesdays with wayne May 17, 2017

You know when you see someone struggling with something and you are just itching to help them, but you don’t dare because you don’t have that kind of relationship with them?

Sure, sometimes you extend a kind gesture for a stranger.  I’m thinking bigger.  What I’m talking about is your ability to really step in and guide someone, to change the trajectory of their lives, if even for a moment.

In working with clients across the country (and around the world) the thing that stands out is that they are in a business of helping others.  As individuals, you want to have a positive impact on the people we encounter.

And while you might want to be that proverbial boy scout who walks the little old lady across the street, she has to want to accept your help.

The question then, is this:
How do you get people to accept the help and care you offer? 

The answer – TRUST.

In order to be influential, you have to demonstrate that you are trustworthy (truly worthy of trust).  But how?  

You need to live more fully into your authentic self.  Yes, sure, you’re YOU and only you can be you.  And yet, don’t you find that you play a role of sorts when you go to work, get home, interact with your kids, or go out with your friends?  

One of the most powerful questions I was ever asked was prefaced with “pfffffffttttt” followed by, “no, who ARE you?”  I was trying to be “Dr Pernell” and hadn’t found my footing in just being my SELF.  Now, the DynamicLeader® Programs are dedicated to doing just that.  You can become more focused, more productive, more courageous, and more influential when you become your fully alive and vital SELF.  

How do people trust you and ask for or allow your help?  They feel like they know you.  People don’t trust products, they trust people.  You trust the people you know or feel like you know.  And you are trusted because you are living authentically, congruently, and in the present.  

Look at your day as you engage.  What can you do to be more present and truly trust-worthy?  Maybe you pause.  Maybe you smile.  Maybe you listen.  Maybe you share.  Whatever it is, break down the roles and the walls that are constricting your true self.  Then you can watch your trust factor and influence levels grow exponentially!

And as we venture together on this amazing journey, my next question is: how can I help you to show up bigger in the world?  I invite you to take a look around the DynamicLeader website and see what makes sense for you.  Maybe it’s one of my best selling books.  Maybe it’s my upcoming online course.  Or maybe we should work together.  That’s by application only, so if you’re serious, we should talk.  

Whatever it is, be bold today.  More important, be your genuine, authentic, loving self.

Keep making your magic!

~ Dr P ~


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