Permission To Transform - Happy Mid-Year!

wednesdays with wayne Jul 01, 2020

We have the opportunity to take on a powerful perspective about this year. This is mid-year. Treat it like New Year’s Day and take inventory of where you’ve been and how you’ve been. No, don’t just think about the struggle, but really reflect on how you’ve responded to that struggle!

And now, recognize that it's time for you to look ahead. 

You'd need to look back and you need to look ahead and what I want to focus here is with a wave of my wand (see it?) you have permission to transform!

2020 wasn’t out to get you.  We have this sense that it's persona. “Oh, just when I had such and such lined up and all of a sudden, you know, this pandemic happened.”  Guess what! You're not the only one. That's the definition of pan for pandemic. it's global. That means we're all affected by this elusive virus. So it wasn't done to you. 

And if you make it personal, then just know that kind of thinking sets you back. 

Certainly, there's a lot of emotion that we're all feeling about it, partly because we've been shut in, we've been told, “Hey, you could start to go out. Oh, no… Just kidding. Here are the new rules.” But the rules aren’t clear, the timing isn’t clear, and it feels like a takeaway after takeaway, 

The American psychological association has just come out with a new term for some of the things we're feeling. There's “tech fatigue,” there's “COVID fatigue,” and now there's a thing called “compassion fatigue.” 

We have been asked to care about so much for so long in a time compressed period that we really need to focus on how much energy you’ve expended to giving. We're caring for each other. We're caring for the sociological changes that we're in the midst of. We're stepping in these changes in a way that we've never have. And we're being pushed back in a way that we never have, as the rules keep changing. 

The timing keeps changing the ability to serve others and the ability to get paid for that service keeps changing. So our finances are in upheaval. We've been asked to combine all of the roles that we used to have segmented: getting up, going off to work, coming back, being with your family, going out in the community, all those different roles have all been meshed together and that causes fatigue.

Remembering that 2020 wasn't done to you and that you've made it this far also means you have permission to transform. Yes! Happy mid-year, right? We can compartmentalize the “bad” from the first part of the year. Oh, I’m not minimizing that. Bad stuff DID happen. I’m inviting a new perspective and for us all to begin to look at the gifts we were given for getting to this place. You got a chance to reflect on what was working for you. You got a chance to reflect on what you value. You got a chance to reflect on how resilient you are. This is really important: I will bet that you have more courage now than you did at this time last year. You know why? Because of your ability to figure things out. Your ability to rely on yourself has been heightened.

You’ve taken on the series of moving targets and you made it here.

That’s powerful.  

I’ll close with two questions:

  1. Right now, who is in control of your days?
  2.  What do you want to, what do you want your future days to look like? 


You have permission to transform the way you live your life.

Happy mid-year!

And hey, are you a little curious about what it would feel like to be fully, unapologetically fulfilled? Can you imagine speaking so that you’re heard and acknowledged every time? Did you think about the time you put into planning for your vacation and how little time you put into planning your next great transition into who you really want to be?  

Do you know what happens when you don’t step out of your comfort zone from here? Nothing.  Nothing happens.  It’s time to step in and step up even further.

Take a look at the Powerful Presence™ Program, meeting three times a month for three months to boost your level of engagement, communication, and potential so you can cut through to what matters most.  Click Here For Details!


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