
wednesdays with wayne Sep 20, 2023

Your past got you here.

The choices you made, the roads you took, the people you met… all of that got you here.


Some of that was conscious. Some of that was auto-pilot. 


The key for you now is to design the life you’d like to have.


Most people plan their vacations in more detail than they think about what they’d like their future to be. When you go on vacation, you know what sites you’ll visit and when. You know how much you’ll need to have. You know what to pack and you probably have a good idea about what you’ll be eating.


Weird, right? 


I mean, the weird part is that we don’t typically think about that for our own lives.


What if…


What if you knew where you’d be, what your home looked like, what you’d be eating, and what you’ll be doing every day. Think about the feeling you’ll have, the smells around you (dryer sheets, warm cookies, coffee, fresh mountain air, or great city streets???). Think about the details of the life you want.


All of your experiences in the past got you to this point.

What’s next for you?


Get clear on your Next and then take just one step towards that today!

Just one.


That one step sets you up for Exponential Success™ and that one step is the foundation for your tomorrow. Just as all of the yesterdays got you here, today sets you up for an amazing tomorrow.


Oh, and don’t forget to enjoy today along the way!

Gratitude and joy are key elements to living the life you want.


There’s more. So much more.


If “yeah, but” entered your thinking as you’re reading this, you have some work to do. Okay, we all have some work to do. It’s super important not to doubt yourself when thinking about what you truly want for yourself.


It’s your life.


Keep making your magic!


= Wayne = 

Create the life you want by investing in yourself. You, me, a handful of other people on October 13th and 14th in New York. CHECK IT OUT HERE!


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