Important Small Stuff

wednesdays with wayne Oct 10, 2018

It’s the small stuff that makes a difference.  It’s the small stuff over and over again.

It’s the smile along with a soft, yet energetic “good morning.” It’s holding a door.  It’s telling someone the thing they needed to hear.

It’s the small stuff over and over again that makes a difference.

A little while ago I wrote a Wednesdays With Wayne blog post noting that a pebble is a small thing, until you find it in your shoe.  Yes, a pebble is small and if you step on it, it can become a gigantic irritant.  It’s the small stuff over and over again that can drive people apart.

OR, it’s the small stuff that can make the biggest difference to you in your relationships – in any relationship, really, whether at home or in your business.  

It’s the small stuff, over and over again.

Set your calendar.
Choose what you eat.
Smile at a loved one.
Smile at someone you’ve just judged harshly.
Stay grateful.
Drink water.
Give back.
Begin anew.
Stay curious.

It’s the small stuff, over and over again.

The big wins come from the basics being in place.  That’s true in sports, in business, and at home. It’s the small stuff, over and over again.

You’ve got this.

Go win your day!

See you here next week.
Keep making your magic™!

Look around at for some fun stuff!

~ Dr P ~


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