Giving and Forgiving

wednesdays with wayne Dec 21, 2022

That’s it.


Giving and Forgiving.


They’re both gifts that you benefit from.

All kinds of research has been done around the positive effects of giving.


And all kinds of research has been done about the effects of forgiving others, too.


Both acts result in a boost of endorphins and ultimately, a lightening of your psychic load.


Think about that person that wronged you a few years back.

Do you think that they’re sitting in their room somewhere reminiscing about how badly they screwed you over? Nope. 


They probably didn’t even intend the kind of transgression they inflicted at the time. And even if they did, they’ve moved on with their lives. They’re different than they were at the time it happened.


Think about a time you wronged someone. You might still feel guilty about it. 

If you do, think about whether it makes sense to reach out. 

Before you do, recognize two things: You’ve changed. The you of today wouldn’t do the thing you did a few years back. And, they’ve changed. It’s possible they’re over it or that it wasn’t that big a thing for them.


So if you’re harboring resentment about something that happened to you, the work here is for you to forgive yourself for holding onto that for so long. Allow yourself to grow, to change, and to invite that other person back into your life differently or to completely move on, recognizing that you’re not available for any kind of energy suck that person brings.


Either way, your choice.

Either way, forgive yourself first. 


That’s a huge gift at this time of year.

The Winter Solstice is neigh, so it’s a little darker outside. Old family stories and rules about how to act might be blowing through your mind. The tear-jerking movies and commercials are on TV. And you need to land firmly back into your self, your solid self. 


Letting go of the past means forgiving yourself for holding onto it.

By doing so, you free yourself to make healthier decisions for yourself today and in the future.


That’s a pretty good gift to give yourself.


Stay curious and keep making your magic.


Big hugs and love,


= Wayne = 

Seriously, think about upleveling your life. What would it mean to actually integrate that “someday” stuff that you’ve put off for yourself into your life without giving up the success that got you here? Yeah… personal and professional well-being are yours, here: 


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